Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall Cleaning

My son came home from school yesterday asking when I was going to do my fall cleaning. I definitely spring clean, so I thought he might be on to something! :) This morning was spent going through stashes of fabric. I decided to bundle according to color and tie them up with a pretty bow. I've listed several fabric bundles on ebay right now. My "fall cleaning" is up for sale!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Eden Inspiration

If you've been around ebay for the past few years, you probably remember Jen of Eden's Bouquet. Her style is a wonderful mix of vintage and pure romanticism. I've had the pleasure of working with Jen when she was on ebay and she graciously agreed to come back and design a one of a kind outfit. The rest of lilyplum is delighted to offer our "inspired by Eden creations!"
Here's mine...currently on ebay.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


This isn't a post about sewing, or clothes or even Jillian. I just had to share some cool green shoes I own. :) They are flats...I love that flats are in...they are so comfortable, yet very chic!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Has it really been a year?

Jillian modeled this outfit for Rachel of nzbug last year about this time. I feel like Jillian looks so much older, but it also seems like it was just yesterday. I'm selling it right now on ebay, so go take a look!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Guess what we saw...

...while doing our last photo shoot!?
We live in the this was a big
deal! :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Fall Leaves

I'm constantly on the look-out for new places to take pictures. I like the challenge of a new place! This time we went to an abandoned parking lot behind a carpet store and found some fun fall leaves. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A little fun in the sun

The last time I went out to take pictures of Jillian it was over 100 degrees. I mentioned before that I will sometimes bring fruit snacks for her as a treat, but we were way beyond fruit snacks. I had to resort to letting her use my snazzy little red point and shoot. She was allowed to take pictures of me and I was allowed to take pictures of her. What a deal! And I think you'll agree...she's cuter than me, but I'm better at taking pictures. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I'm in love with trims at the moment...trims from nzbug to be exact! She has the greatest selection and amazing prices. This was perfect timing for the "old school" auctions seen right now on ebay. I have two for sale, and both have nzbug trims throughout! Have a great day!